The power transmission division of Mitsui Miike Machinery recognizes the importance of addressing global environmental issues based on our Management Philosophy of contributing to society through business and concentrating all our efforts on the prosperity of our company and the happiness of our employees. In all of our business activities, we will strive to preserve and harmonize the global environment and reduce our environmental impact, and contribute to the creation of a prosperous society that can develop sustainably.

  • Through all of our corporate activities, products and services, we will try to minimize our environmental impact by promoting resource and energy conservation, waste reduction, and proper disposal and recycling, and preventing pollution of the natural environment due to hazardous chemical substances and waste.
  • For us to achieve our environmental policy, each division will set specific environmental objectives and targets and promote unified environmental management.
    We will also continually improve our environmental management system by periodically reviewing the status of our activities.
  • We will comply with environmental laws, regulations, ordinances, and other requirements to which we agree with respect to our corporate activities, products, and services.
  • Our Environmental Policy will be thoroughly communicated to all employees and others working for our company.
    Our Environmental Policy will be made available to the public through our website and other means.

April 1, 2024
Kiyoto Orihara
Chief of Headquarter, Power Transmission Div.

As a parts manufacturer using fine blanking methods, Mitsui Miike Machinery's Fine-Blanking Industry Division actively engages in environmental conservation in all our corporate activities.

  • We will comply with environment-related laws and regulations as well as agreements to which we consent.
  • We will consider the environment and work to prevent environmental pollution through resource and energy conservation, green purchasing, and waste reduction.
  • We will set environmental targets and periodically review them in our efforts to continuously improve our environmental conservation activities.
  • We will communicate this Environmental Policy to all employees and release it to the public.

April 1, 2020
Chief of Headquarter, Fine-Blanking Industry Div.
Mitsuyoshi Kakino