In order to realize a good work-life balance and comfortable work environment so that employees can fully demonstrate their abilities, we will formulate the following action plan.

1. Period of plan

Five-year period: April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2026

2. Contents

Target 1

Continue and further strengthen measures to improve labor productivity.


  1. 1)For the purpose of managing and promoting the health of employees, establish and work on an internal system for obtaining the certification of an outstanding health and productivity management organization.
  2. 2)Continue in-house 5S activities to further improve operational efficiency.
  3. 3)Continue to strengthen no-overtime days and promote well-defined and rational work execution.
  4. 4)In order to improve business performance, continue to promote the use of IT for routine work, such as operations, in particular.
  5. 5)Expand education and training systems to improve the skills of employees.

Target 2

Remind employees to be aware of various leave and work absence systems other than annual paid leave and contribute to balancing their work and family life.


  1. 1)In order to support employees’ parental care, promote the use of the leave for nursing care of children and childcare leave by publicizing them again in company newsletters and using other means.
  2. 2)Continue to design a system that makes it easier for employees to take various types of leave and work absence by investigating and ascertaining the use of such leave.